Cost of quality

optima multilingual

Facilitating change management: multilingual tool for your lab users

1200 675 Optima Team

Over the last decade, companies have identified digital transformation as a top priority to gain and maintain competitive advantage. So, they have begun to join the wave of the 4th…

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competency training

Competency Matrix: How to schedule resources in compliance with regulations

2048 1152 Optima Team

Coordinating your resources is a complex task as there are several types of information that need to be considered in order to accurately schedule laboratory testing requirements. If you are…

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scientific computing world

Removing the hassle from planning lab resources

2846 1601 Optima Team

Scientific Computing World  interviewed Roberto Castelnovo, founder and CEO at Optima PLC Tracking Tools S.L. which has recently launched the automated version of their Optima Laboratory Resource Management Tool. Mr…

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The cost of quality in Service Labs

1900 1069 Optima Team

Cost of quality in service labs is often a challenge that lab managers face and have to overcome on a regular basis In fact, many decision makers have limited understanding…

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Cost of quality in Manufacturing Environments – Quantifying the value of Lab Quality

1800 1201 Optima Team

Cost of quality of QA/QC activities drives to challenges in a production environment There is a strong and direct correlation between quality of the processes and costs of the laboratory…

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