Optima Lab Management Tool

Optima is your easy-to-use Lab Management Tool. Optima allows laboratories to centralise in a single tool  the resources information and status and receive the requests in order to adequately and automatically coordinate them all.

Optima lab resource management

Book, Plan and Adjust

  • Agile Requests upload
  • Automatic Scheduling proposal
  • Planning adjustment by simple Drag&Drop
  • Add new tasks and events anytime
  • Book instruments, rooms in line with the lab needs
Optima lab resource management reports

Reports, Dashboards and Analytics 

  • Built-in reports showing Tasks status with simple filtering
  • Scheduled instruments and team members vs. maximum allocation.
  • Reports presented as Graph, List or Gantt Chart
  • Data export to any preferred statistical tool for further analysis
Optima connectivity

Connect with Legacy Systems

  • Connection with any system like LIMS, ELN, LES, ERP, etc.
  • Web services Capabilities. Extensive API library
  • User authentication integrated with most modern options for Single Sign-On
  • Import/Export features available in any screen
  • Easy upload of system setting for quick implementation
Optima Lab resource management AI

Automated Scheduling

  • Automatic task scheduling
  • Resource assignment based on user defined rules
  • Flexible reassignment and adjustments for final tuning
  • Possibility of multiple iterations to optimise final planning
Optima Lab resource management easy implementation

Easy to Deploy, Quick to Implement

  • 100% web based, zero impact on the current infrastructure
  • Enterprise Low-Code Application Platform
  • Ready to use from Day 1
  • Automatic upload of system configuration
  • Secured admin tasks and User permissions
  • Fully configurable reports, no IT intervention required
Optima lab resource management enterprise

Enterprise Ready

  • From single lab to global deployments
  • From single site pilot to multi-site implementations
  • Single-tenant and multi-tenant architecture
  • Scalable Data Base Management System
  • Multilingual capability
  • 24h Technical support


Would you like to know more about Optima Laboratory Scheduling System?
Contact us and we will be happy to discuss it with you.


Optima Laboratory Resource Management system
1929 1287 Optima Team

Resource scheduling: the brightest source of information for laboratory KPIs

Resource Scheduling: How to support lab effectiveness Laboratory managers are under constant pressure to deliver final results in a timely manner. The  rapid completion is the result of a variety of factors, including timely decision making and meeting customer expectations right the first time . Laboratory managers face several challenges in meeting these requirements: –…

laboratory KPIs
1366 911 Optima Team

The five biggest mistakes made with Laboratory KPIs

When it comes to laboratory KPIs, you are probably very familiar with the topic. It’s easy to assume that you have everything under control because you are very familiar with yours. However, this confidence can lead to some common pitfalls. Here are the five biggest mistakes that organisations make time and time again when introducing…

planning and rescheduling
1366 911 Optima Team

Rescheduling: the ever-demanding challenge for laboratories

Maintaining optimum efficiency is of paramount importance in the demanding world of laboratories. The dynamic nature of laboratory processes requires careful scheduling to meet deadlines and guarantee high performance. However, it is not just a question of planning the tasks to be carried out. It is about being flexible in adapting to new situations and…